Se Busca Reporteras: Tackling Newsroom Inequities

“Latina women in newsrooms have always seen a small percentage of representation, with a shocking 3% of representation in newsrooms, according to the NLA. Newsrooms around the country have seen a slow pace and less change.” -Andie Lopez

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Westside Food Bank helps Angelenos

“For the past year and a half, Quincy Gibson, inventory administrator for the Westside Food Bank, has distributed food to community members in need across Los Angeles.”

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La “venganza de las Adelitas” fusiona cultura queer y Latinx

“Si te sientas en la cafetería el tiempo suficiente y dejas que el olor a espresso fresco y bagels tostados invada tus sentidos, notarás que muchas personas comienzan a acudir a ese rincón, echando un vistazo a los muchos regalos que “Adelitas’ Revenge” tiene para ofrecer”. -Sydni Gift

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Adelita’s Revenge fuses queer and Latinx culture

“If you sit down in the coffee shop long enough, and let the smell of fresh espresso and toasted bagels invade your senses, you will notice that lots of people begin to flock to that corner, checking out the many gifts Adelitas’ Revenge has to offer.”

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